A downloadable dev kit

This page has download links for:

  • A Godot Project that uses the asset pack to make a basic local multiplayer game.
  • A Unity Package that uses the asset pack to make a basic local multiplayer game.

The most up to date version of the Godot kit is available here.

A video on the Godot kit can be found here.

A video on the Unity kit can be found here.

Check out our singleplayer kits here.

Let us know which item(s) you've downloaded so that we know what is worth updating!


godot-2d-multiplayer-game-dev-kit-0.0.1.zip 429 kB
2D Multiplayer Dev Kit.unitypackage 85 kB

Install instructions

Godot Dev Kit

The Godot dev kit must be unzipped and then imported with the Godot launcher.  The kit was made in Godot 3.3.3 and should work in all versions of Godot 3.2 and beyond.

Unity Dev Kit

The Unity package should be downloaded and then imported into an empty Unity project using Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package, and then navigating to where the .unitypackage file is. You can watch this video for an example of the process.

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